The Obsession Page 3
Valentina’s eyes ran over the length of him. He was impressively built, she thought. His legs were long and well-muscled, his arms not overly big like a body-builder’s, but alluringly cut and vein-roped. His chest was equally well-muscled, hard and tempting. And his cock—good god—she smiled, thinking herself to be definitely not jaded, his cock was gloriously long and thick, bulging against his swimming trunks.
Knowing that the sight of her was turning him on, that this man she’d fallen asleep thinking about was here beside her, caused her belly to clench and liquid drops to form between her thighs. His gaze shot up, snagging hers, and his face turned charmingly red.
She could tell he meant to leave. Alarmed at the prospect, and not having the time or inclination to ponder why, she forestalled him with a smile and a simple question. “Haven’t we met?”
Neil’s eyes flicked towards her nipples then back to her face. He cleared his throat nervously, feeling like the biggest idiot to have ever walked the planet. “Y-Yes,” he stammered out, nodding once, “we met at Jenners two days back.”
She smiled at his rich brogue, coming up on her elbows then settling back on them while they chatted. Her nipples were scant inches away from his face, all hard and tempting, resting on their puffy pink patches. She made no move to close her thighs, he realized, and had in fact opened one leg a bit wider. She was not shy at all over having been caught completely nude. She seemed to revel in this intimate moment between them, and he wasn’t altogether certain what to make of that fact.
“I knew I recognized you.” She grinned, settling him down a bit when he understood that she wasn’t angry at his ogling. “Did you ever end up getting stampeded?”
“Stampeded?” he asked dumbly. And then, remembering their earlier conversation, he smiled. “No.” He cleared his throat. “I made it out in one piece.”
“Good.” Valentina bit down onto her lip and gnawed at it a moment, unable to believe she was about to suggest what she was. But she felt brazen. Aroused and brazen. And she knew that she wanted to have sex with this man. She’d never been one to think beyond the present and in this moment in time she wanted him. “You know,” she said as she tilted her chin, “this situation seems a bit unfair to me.”
Neil’s face colored. “How so?”
She glanced at his tented swimming trunks. “This is a nude beach,” she murmured, “but you’re wearing clothes.”
Neil’s cock grew longer, the muscles in his stomach clenching. She had basically just invited him to remove all of his clothing, even knowing as she had to that he was fully erect. He glanced down at her labia which was now ripe and swollen and wondered if it was possible that she actually wanted to have sex with him. He doubted it, but decided for once in his life to just go with the flow and see what happened. He stood up and lowered the swim trunks, his erection now fully revealed to her.
Valentina’s breath caught, not having expected him to be that well-endowed. He was handsome in a very harsh, masculine way, and sexy in a very naughty-schoolgirl-corrupts-the-handsome-distinguished-professor kind of way. She smiled at him as he resumed his seat beside her. “The sun feels great against the skin, doesn’t it?” she drawled.
“Quite.” As Neil gazed at her nipples, he decided that his tendency to lecture found odd moments to make itself known. “Though I hope you’ve some manner of protection on,” he added, “for you wouldn’t want to burn your—” He coughed discreetly into his hand and looked away, embarrassed at what he’d almost uttered.
Valentina was enjoying this. Most of the men she’d dated had been too sure of themselves, as if they believed they had the right to take what they wanted. But this man was so arousingly unique that she found herself wanting to push him more and more, if for no other reason than to test his limits of endurance. “Why don’t you rub some lotion into them for me?” she whispered.
His dark eyes shot up to meet hers and he visibly gulped. He didn’t throw himself at her, but neither did he back down from her carnal challenge. “Where is the lotion?” he rasped out. He was hard, so goddamned hard.
“In my bag.”
A few moments later, Neil had worked the coconut-scented lotion into his palms and was reaching for her breasts. He drew them into his large hands, moistening the soft fleshy globes with the sweet oil. When her breathing grew a bit shallow, he began massaging her nipples, working the lotion into them with his thumbs and fingers.
“What’s your name?” Valentina asked breathlessly, her eyes flickering shut as he continued the sensual massage.
“Neil Ross,” he answered thickly, his arousal causing his inhibitions to wane significantly. “And you’re Valentina Jason-Elliot.”
Her eyes flew open. “How did you know my name?”
“I overheard the saleswoman.”
She stilled. “Did you also overhear me tell her I’d be vacationing at Strathy Point?”
His dark gaze clashed with her light green one. “Yes,” he admitted, offering no further explanation. He massaged her nipples a bit harder, plucking at them now. When she moaned softly and her eyes narrowed in desire he feared for spilling himself right there on her thigh.
“You followed me.” It was a statement not a question.
“Yes.” It was the truth not an apology.
“I’m not sure what to think of that.”
“I think,” Neil said softly, his erection achingly swollen, “that your beautiful cunt needs lotioned up as well.” He stilled as soon as the words came tumbling out, not quite believing he’d actually spoken them.
Valentina met his gaze and studied his features, as if considering his words. And then, surreal as it was to him, she splayed her legs wide, granting him not only a delicious view of her bald cunt and its silky folds, but permission to massage her in the most intimate manner possible as well.
Neil forgot all about the lotion as his index finger found her hole and he pushed a large finger up inside of her. She exhaled on a moan, her head falling back to dangle precariously from her neck, as her wet pussy grew wetter and her nipples continued to stab upwards.
A second finger found her pussy hole, joining with the first as he slowly began to finger fuck it. On his other hand the pad of his thumb zeroed in on her clit and he began to rub it in a sensual, circular motion. She arched into his hand, breathing deeply as he massaged her soaked flesh. “You have the most beautiful cunt I’ve ever seen,” he ground out, “so wet and juicy, so tight and swollen.”
“Oh yesss.” Valentina’s back arched further, her lips parting slightly. She was drunk on arousal, intoxicated by his effect on her.
His words, his hands, his mere presence heightened her desire. Neil made her feel like an omnipotent erotic goddess—a sensual state of being no other man had worked her into. He looked at her as if she was the most intriguing woman in the world, explored her body as though he’d never get enough of it.
“Cum for me, Tina,” she heard him murmur. His fingers began to thrust faster. The rubbing motion on her clit became brisker. “I want to watch you cum.”
Oh yes—oh god she was coming. She was so close. She groaned, her hips rearing up for him, wanting him to do what he would, wanting to cum hard for him.
His fingers were pushing up inside of her, filling her wet flesh, stretching her and making her ache for his cock. The sun was beating down on her, the wind was dancing across her nipples, tightening them further.
And then his tongue curled around her clit, replacing the pad of his thumb, and she thought she’d died and gone to a sinner’s heaven. “Oh Neil.”
He lapped at her quickly, flicking his tongue across the swollen bud, slurping it up into his mouth and sucking mercilessly. Valentina’s entire body began to shake as he sucked on her and sucked on her, never relenting, never even slowing. “Oh god—oh yes Neil.”
The low guttural sound of appreciation he made in the back of his throat was her undoing. Instinctually, she reached out for his head, threaded her crimson nails through hi
s dark hair, and pressed his face into her cunt as far as it would go. He sucked harder still, slurping sounds reaching her ears. “Yes.”
Valentina’s hips ground upwards as a devastating orgasm ripped through her belly. She screamed at the intensity of it, her entire body spasming, her flesh convulsing around his fingers.
And then he was coming down on top of her, crushing her into the blanket as he settled himself between her thighs. Their gazes clashed as his hands palmed her breasts and with one powerful thrust he surged inside of her. “Neil.”
“Christ you feel good,” he gritted out, thrusting into her faster and faster. He wanted to go slow, to savor this moment in time he doubted he’d get a repeat performance of. But her flesh was so hot and it kept suctioning him back in, taking him deeper, making him need to scald her insides with his hot cum.
Valentina moaned, wrapping her legs around Neil’s waist. He plucked at her nipples in response, clamping down on them as he surged inside of her over and over, deeper and deeper, again and again.
“Fuck me harder,” she gasped, grinding her hips at him.
Neil’s jaw clenched as he gave her what she wanted. He released her breasts, slid his hands beneath their joined bodies to palm her buttocks, and pounded into her wet flesh in a series of deep, merciless thrusts.
“Oh god.” Valentina closed her eyes and held on for a hard ride, her legs wrapped firmly about his middle, giving him a deep penetration. She could hear the sounds of her flesh sucking his cock inside of her body each time he buried himself to the hilt.
And then she was coming, spasming around his cock, her back arching as he sank into her. She screamed out her release, wrapping her legs tighter about his waist, bringing pressure down on her clit, which made her scream all the louder. “OH—GOD.”
“Jesus.” Neil thrust into her cunt—deep, hard—oblivious to anything but the feel of her flesh wrapped around him. He sank into her again and again, gluttonously indulging himself of her body. He felt like an animal—territorial, primal, unable to entertain a coherent thought. All he could do was feel—feel this woman, feel this cunt he was obsessed with possessing and fucking. “Tina.”
And then he was pouring himself into her, hot cum spurting into the body of the woman he wanted to brand, the pussy he’d wanted to fuck and had never thought he’d stood a chance of plunging into. His muscles bunched, his entire body clenched, as he closed his eyes and pumped enough cum inside of her to put three men to shame.
His breathing harsh, Neil gazed down into Valentina’s face as he hovered over her. She was smiling dreamily, the way a woman who’d been fucked hard and good was apt to do, and in that moment he felt more possessive of her sweet cunt than he had a right to.
He fell down on top of her, replete and exhausted, the most ferocious orgasm of his life rendering him all but unconscious. He found enough strength to tip his head and sip from her lips before rolling off of her and hoisting his body up beside hers.
Anyone could walk down the beach and find them here, he knew. But he was tired, so incredibly tired.
Neil’s dark head came down to rest on Valentina’s breasts, his heavy eyelids closing. As he fell into a smoky slumber it occurred to him from somewhere in the haze of his semi-unconsciousness that she might try to leave him, might be gone when he woke up.
Instinctually, inevitably, Neil’s hand found her engorged flesh. He thrust two fingers deep inside of her cunt, locking them together, and fell fast asleep.
Chapter 4
Neil awoke to the feel of his achingly erect shaft disappearing into the depths of Valentina’s throat. Her full lips devoured the length of him, then resurfaced to tease the extremely sensitive head. He groaned, grabbing her by the back of her golden brown head. His jaw clenched as she made an appreciative “Mmmm” sound and her lips glided up and down his shaft.
She licked the length of him like a lollipop, closed her eyes and sucked on him like it was a favorite treat. “Mmm mmm mmmmmm.”
“Christ.” Neil gritted his teeth, unable to endure another moment. On a hoarse groan he climaxed violently into her mouth, shuddering all over as he watched her lips and tongue lap up all of his juice, then suck on the tiny hole of his sensitive head to make certain she’d missed nothing.
When his breathing steadied and he was able to open his eyes the first thing he noticed was that the sun had sank below the horizon and evening had descended. The second thing he noticed, and the better of the two, was that a beautiful bald cunt was lowering itself onto his mouth.
Valentina’s blood-red nails spread her pussy lips far apart, which served to make her tiny rosebud clit bulge out further. “Suck on me, Neil,” she murmured in that smoky Southern American drawl, “I love the way you eat pussy.”
There was no time for a reply, for her wet cunt had found his lips and his tongue was shooting out to flick at her clit and curl around it. He drew the sensitive piece of flesh into his mouth and began to suckle from it in long, drugging sips.
Valentina began to ride his face in slow undulations, the same as she would have ridden his cock. Her head fell back, her unbound hair cascading onto his stomach as she moaned into the night and rode him. Each time her hips lurched back in their circular motion her clit was tugged at by Neil’s lips and suctioning tongue. She moaned, her nipples stabbing out as her orgasm drew nearer.
Neil groaned appreciatively, his hands reaching up to cup and knead her buttocks. Valentina began riding his mouth faster as he massaged the twin globes, her drenched flesh pressing into his warm mouth.
“God yes.”
Neil began to suckle hard from her clit, drawing from her relentlessly, forcing her to gasp and moan, to undulate on top of him in frenzied arousal. He could feel her body shake and stiffen simultaneously, letting him know that she was coming. He sucked harder, offering her no mercy, wanting her to think of him and him alone when she needed release.
“Neil.” Valentina expelled his name on a primitive moan, her hips thrashing madly, her cunt drenching his face with its dew. Her nipples stiffened into impossibly tight points as her flesh convulsed around his mouth and blood rushed up to heat her face.
Panting heavily, Valentina ground her throbbing vagina one last time into Neil’s mouth, then slid it down his lips, down his chin, gliding down toward his chest. He thrust his tongue out, lapping at her in one long lick from her hole to her clit as her soaked flesh slid off his face.
“Mmmm.” Valentina smiled down to him as she perched herself on his chest. “That was great.”
Neil’s eyes flicked toward the distended nipples that hovered over his line of vision. He reached up and cupped her breasts, plucking at her nipples in a way he knew she liked. “I’ve got something else I want you to ride,” he murmured.
Valentina grinned, knowing his erect manhood was poking at her, wanting entrance. “I’ll have to think about it,” she teased.
But Neil was in no mood to be teased. He felt like an animal in heat, a predator that wanted to rut inside of its mate. “Sit on my cock,” he said demandingly, no trace of humor in his voice.
Valentina was surprised at the way her body responded to his dominant tone, soaking itself for a smooth entry, submissively preparing itself to be fucked. She grabbed him by the base of the penis, drew herself up to her knees, and sank down onto his stiff shaft, impaling herself in one fluid motion. “Better?” she breathed out.
Neil plucked at the puffy nipples he loved so much as she rode him long and hard. For the next twenty minutes he glutted on her flesh, greedily accepting all of her climaxes, all of her moans. He was obsessed with her, he knew, obsessed with her body, obsessed with her cunt, wanting to own it. He was obsessed with her period.
As his muscles bunched and corded and he spurted his hot cum deep inside of her body he also realized something else. When they were alone like this, together like this, mating like two animals in full rut, he was more in touch with who
he was as a man than he’d ever been before.
There was no hiding behind facades where Valentina Jason-Elliot was concerned. No roles, no assumed identities. There was just Neil Ross. An elemental male determined to keep his mate.
Chapter 5
“So tell me about yourself. After the night we just spent together on the beach I’d love to have my curiosity indulged a bit.” Valentina grinned at Neil as she sat across from him in the hotel’s tiny restaurant. They were dressed casually today, both of them wearing simple jeans and tee-shirt combos; an every day event for Valentina, an anomaly for Neil.
Neil grinned back, feeling more carefree than he could ever remember being. The fact that he didn’t feel the need to conform to a pre-determined role for himself was manifested in everything from his casual attire to the fact that he’d just spent the last several hours making love on a nude beach to a gloriously sexual woman ten years his junior. He felt wonderful, alive and wonderful. He never wanted their interlude to end.
“I’m a lecturer of mathematics at the University of Edinburgh,” he said as he picked up his glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. “I’ve been there for close to eighteen years now.”
Valentina smiled, his deep brogue sending warm, fuzzy feelings down her spine. “Have you ever been married?”
“Ever come close?”
“Once.” He shrugged, the memory of his college sweetheart feeling like a lifetime ago. “But in the end Susan decided a lecturer of physics was more her style.”
Valentina nodded knowingly. “So she was having an affair. My last relationship came to an end for that reason.”
“He cheated on you?”
Neil had asked the question incredulously, as if he couldn’t fathom any man so much as even considering sleeping around when he had Valentina to come home to. The fact that he felt that way to begin with sent butterflies coursing through her belly and made an unidentifiable emotion lodge in her heart.